YEAH, NO? - PIDGIN Dictionary
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(YAH no), interrogative
Isn’t that the truth?
a. YEAH, NO? One t’ing about da pandemic: we got to spen’ mo time wit’ da family.
b. Wife: Hon, thanks for da Vegas trip. I gotta say, though: Was good fun, but good to be home.
Husband: YEAH, NO? Lucky we live Paradise.
Submitted by Irene from Waipiʻo Gentry, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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An all of the above, agreement, disagreement, and inquisitive statement.
Ho I bettah buy my ticket bumbye the price go up. Eh, you! You no remember telling me only buy plane tickets on a Tuesday or Wednesday cause that’s da best deals? Oh yeah, no? That’s right. I wen forget!
Submitted by Jason from Hilo, Hawaiʻi (Submit yo' own)
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1. I do not agree.
a. YEAH, NO bada me if you no like go wid dem if dey get chicken skin all ova afta dey go talk story wid da kahuna lata den you went tink.
b. YEAH, NO way you still stay up at dis kine nana time afta you went go see da picha about da boogyman dat no can ma’ke.
2. I may not agree.
a. YEAH, NO way I stay agree fo take da kapakai opala if da papule still stay ova dea and den no like take um.
b. YEAH, NO way I stay make da kine wid da bradas dat like only talk story and no can make li’dat afta da titas went treat um moi lepo.
Submitted by Frank from Kailua, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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