< PIDGIN Dictionary
(much maw-HAW-lows), expression
Acknowledges a gift, favor, or other kind or generous act exceeding what is normally expected.
Graduate: Mom an’ Dad, MUCH MAHALOS fo’ da brand new car! So stoked, nobody in my class stay score one present li’dat.
Father: Son, we t’ank YOU for choosing UH instead of one mainland college, like mos’ of yo’ classmates.
Submitted by Irene from Waipiʻo Gentry, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "MUCH MAHALOS" face masks in da PIDGINMOJI store!
1. Thank you very much.
2. Thank you so much alot you gotta pluralize ‘um.
3. Sincerest gratitude.
Ok, ok, I will wash the dishes. Much mahalos. I would do ‘um but (mumble mumble) and gotta da kine. Shoots!
Submitted by Jason from Hilo, Hawaiʻi (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "MUCH MAHALOS" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
1. Thanks very much.
a. I no kea if dem buggahs stay geeve MUCH MAHALOS to us bradas fo no grind all da kaukau li’dat and den leave some fo da adas fo enjoy.
b. MUCH MAHALOS fo all da kokua you went geeve to da keikis so dey can go hele on ova dea and no get no pilakia from dey madas.
2. Many thanks to everyone.
a. Da bradas went geeve MUCH MAHALOS fo all da titas that stay in da hale befo da moi lepo kanakas went go ova dea fo make da kine pilakia.
b. If you no find any da kine ukus stay in your bed when you go nana tonight, mo betta give MUCH MAHALOS in da morning to dem wahines dat went spray da kine on da bed just fo you.
Submitted by Frank from Kailua, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "MUCH MAHALOS" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
T'ink you can do bettah?
Email us your description and examples for "MUCH MAHALOS" and we will add da bes' ones to da PIDGINMOJI Dictionary!!! By emailing us yo' submission, you stay giving us permission fo' use 'um. You stay giving us da rights fo' use 'um fo' any kine and promise you not going sue us li'dat.
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