Aloha. Below stay instructions on how fo' install da apps. If you need help with anything else, go email us at

How Fo' Install/Use Da iOS App

  • Open the iOS Pidginmoji Keyboard app.
  • In the app, tap the "Open Pidginmoji Settings" button on the "How fo' Install Pidginmoji" screen (always available in Settings within the app).
  • In the Pidginmoji Settings screen (also accessible from the main iOS Settings app), tap on "Keyboards".
  • In the Keyboards section, turn the "Pidginmoji" toggle on.
  • Make sure the "Allow Full Access" toggle is on too.
  • When using a keyboard in any app, tap and hold the "Globe" icon and select the "Pidginmoji" option.
  • Tap any image in the Pidginmoji keyboard and it is automatically copied.
  • Paste your Pidginmoji image in your message and send it!

How Fo' Install/Use Da Android App

  • Open the Android Pidginmoji Keyboard app.
  • In the app, tap the "Open Keyboard Settings" button on the "How fo' Install Pidginmoji" screen (always available in Settings within the app).
  • In the Language and Input Settings screen (also accessible from the main Android Settings app), turn the "Pidginmoji" toggle on.
  • When using a keyboard in any app, tap the "Keyboard" icon.
  • Select the "Pidginmoji" option in the overlay.
  • Tap any image in the Pidginmoji keyboard and it is automatically copied.
  • Paste your Pidginmoji image in your message and send it!