SO? T'ROW PAHTY? - PIDGIN Dictionary
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(SO…trow PAW-tee), expression/interrogative
1. (Sarcastically) Insinuates the topic of conversation is inconsequential.
1st little boy: Guess what? Mrs. Ching liked my peekcha. She said I can be one artist!
2nd little boy: SO? T'ROW PAHTY? Who like be one artist? I radda be one firefighter.
2. Suggests notable event or achievement which is cause for celebration.
1st guy: I told you? My boy been wen’ loadin’ up on AP classes, so he gon’ grad one year early.
2nd guy: Nah? SO? T'ROW PAHTY?
Submitted by Irene from Waipiʻo Gentry, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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1. Would like to throw a party.
a. Hey bra, SO? T’ROW PAHTY? fo da wahines dat stay on da beach tonight an den go make one beeg fire fo keep everybady warm.
b. SO? T’ROW PAHTY tonight an den go make um da biggest pahty we can make befo everybady have to go back to der hales cause get school stat tomorrow.
2. We may throw a party.
a. SO? T’ROW PAHTY fo let all da bradas come back to da hale and go grind all da kaukau and afta dat dey can go sleep on da puneʻe.
Submitted by Frank from Kailua, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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