< PIDGIN Dictionary
(RAW-juh DAT), expression (variant of English “Roger that”)
Indicates agreement.
a. 1st guy: Brah, sometimes I like wake up ‘n fine out 2020 was jus’ one real bad dream.
2nd guy: RAJAH DAT.
b. 1st guy: Ho man, so hot when no mo’ tradewinds.
2nd guy: RAJAH DAT. Come pau hana, dat firs’ ice cold beer gon’ hit da spot!
Submitted by Irene from Waipiʻo Gentry, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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A confirmation or agreement.
a. We still on to play basketball after work? Rajah dat!
b. Have a good one! Rajah dat, you too!
Submitted by Jason from Hilo, Hawaiʻi (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "RAJAH DAT" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
1. Confirm something.
a. Da haole went RAJAH DAT about da pilakia dat da kumu stay get from being li’dat an no stay akamai fo know what da ting was dat stay papule.
b. RAJAH DAT akamai kumu who went tell da story fo all da keikis that stay in da hale about da papule who stay become one beeg luna afta he figa out why he stay li’dat.
2. Agree with something.
a. Da sista no agree an den talk stink about da bradas who stay RAJAH DAT befo dey go ova dea an neva find any kine stuff in da hale dat can blame da wahine fo da tings dat went kapakahi.
b. RAJAH DAT about da wahines dat went stay fo figa out how fo make da kaukau mo betta so dey can win da kine contest dat can give dem some kala fo buy what dey like.
Submitted by Frank from Kailua, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "RAJAH DAT" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
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