NO CAN - PIDGIN Dictionary
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(no CAN), auxiliary verb (variant of English “cannot”)
1. Impossible; infeasible.
a. Local proverbs:
- If can, can; if NO CAN, NO CAN.
- No such t’ing as NO CAN.
- No plan, NO CAN.
b. No tell me NO CAN; ass wot I pay you fo’ do!
2. Unable; incapable of.
Small child: Please, Mommy, I can have slip-on shoes? I NO CAN tie my shoelaces.
Mother: You just gotta practice, baby. Come on, go try again. Mommy gon’ help you.
Submitted by Irene from Waipiʻo Gentry, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
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1. Cannot.
2. Unable to.
3. Will not.
a. Eh, you no can go out without your PIDGINMOJI mask! Wot I wen tell you?
b. No can eat pizza. I stay on a juice cleanse right now.
Submitted by Jason from Hilo, Hawaiʻi (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "NO CAN" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
1. Can not accomplish something.
a. Hey tita you like go, if NO CAN den no worries cause got yau da kine back fo you no get pilakia any mo den befo and den no hafta worry about getting hapai again.
b. Da buggah junk and moi lepo if NO CAN find nating wrong wid all dis pilakia I stay went give um, afta he went act like one papule.
2. Can not perform a task.
a. Hey tita, you went figa tat da watchamacallit buggah NO CAN, but he still make um if you stay geeve um one mo chance.
b. No way he go make all tat pilakia go away if da wahine figa she NO CAN kokua da papule baggah an still like go ova dea.
Submitted by Frank from Kailua, Oʻahu (Submit yo' own)
Go check out da "NO CAN" products in da PIDGINMOJI store!
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